Managed Print Services for Schools and Unis

A Must-Have Guide to Managed Print Services for Schools and Universities

Thinking about a Managed Print Services for your education facility, including schools, universities or colleges? As more educational facilities implement digital learning into their curriculum, it's important to recognise the value of printed documents in the educational process. According to recent studies, while there are certainly benefits to digital learning - chief amongst them, portability and potential for real time interaction - reading from printed materials can result in higher levels of interest, recall, and comprehension.

It's always recommended that the faculty accounts for each student's preferences and requirements when deciding whether to use digital or print resources; as such, a balanced approach to learning that includes both digital and print resources is now considered to be the most optimal approach to modern education.

Despite this, photocopiers and printers are becoming a bigger worry for all educational facilities due to their increasing costs and management problems. These issues can be resolved with managed print services, which offer a cheap and effective way to manage and maintain printing equipment.

Benefits of Managed Print Services in Schools and Universities

Managed Print Services - or "MPS" if you're time-poor - are an ideal way for schools and universities to handle their printing needs efficiently, inexpensively, and environmentally. Some of the many ways that Managed Print Services can do wonders for your institution include the following.

It Consolidates and Reduces Printing Costs

A primary advantage of Managed Print Services is that it enables colleges and institutions to reduce their printing expenses. With an MPS, your school administration can easily provide dependable printing for students and staff members alike. Providers of Managed Print Services can provide faculties with affordable print options that lower printing costs without sacrificing quality, so that schools can rely on a convenient and stress-free printing experience that is customised to their particular needs.

It's a Reliable Way to Print Documents and Materials

A Managed Print Service ensures that all documents and materials are reliable with a consistent level of quality. This level of reliability is not a luxury, but rather, it is an absolute necessity of any school that is using printed materials as educational aid.

It Minimises Waste

By integrating printers and similar devices with customisable print management software, organisations of all sizes benefit from reduced toner and paper usage to support green initiatives. Plus, remote monitoring and proactive issue resolution reduce downtime and increase efficiencies.

It Secures Your Data and Documents

The ability to assist in protecting an organisation's sensitive information and papers is another significant boon that MPS providers can offer. By implementing security measures like password-protected printing and user authentication, MPS providers can make sure that only authorised employees have access to sensitive data. By tracking the use of printing devices and keeping an eye on print tasks, MPS can also aid in the prevention of document theft and tampering. This guarantees that each and every confidential document is printed, scanned, and securely saved.

It Streamlines Operations and Saves You Time

MPS suppliers can evaluate a school's printing requirements and suggest the most effective and economical printing equipment for those requirements. They can ensure that certain printing tasks - such as printer maintenance and/or the replenishing of printing supplies once they start to run low - are automated, so that your organisation can run at peak efficiency, without ever having to wait around for stock or repairs that should have been dealt with sooner, allowing your staff to focus on more important duties.

It Boosts Productivity and Collaboration

By allowing shared access to printers and online document management tools, MPS can help staff members work effectively, which can in turn better facilitate staff communications. Additionally, employees can access printing machines through MPS from any location inside the organisation, whether they are working remotely or on-site.

It Customises Solutions and Scalability

Managed Print Service providers can easily customise their solutions to meet the specific needs of your school or university. This may involve integrating with current hardware or software to guarantee smooth performance. Furthermore, MPS providers can provide scalable solutions that can expand to meet a business' requirements as it needs to add more hardware or services in the future.

Automate Processes and Enhance User Experiences

To give workers a more convenient and user-friendly experience, MPS providers can automate many of the more laborious printing chores, such as duplex printing or stapling. They can also offer digital solutions like mobile printing or cloud-based document management, to decrease employee stress by eliminating frustrated fights with the printing machine.

It Increases Visibility and Control Over Your Printing Habits

Finally, Managed Printing Service can give educational facilities more insight into (and control over) their printing practices. Faculties may find avenues where they can reduce their printing expenses by utilising reports on printing usage and costs that are generated and provided by your Managed Printing Service. This helpful data may then be used to implement printing regulations, ensuring that staff members adhere to best practices, thereby reducing both waste and unnecessary printing costs.

How to Choose the Best Managed Print Service Provider For Your School

A good Managed Print Services provider can quickly turn a high-stress office into a smooth, well-oiled machine. But finding the right MPS provider is crucial in ensuring that your school gets the best bang for your buck - so here are some factors that you're going to want to consider the points below.


By streamlining printing procedures, cutting waste, and adopting environmentally friendly printing techniques, the right MPS supplier can assist in considerably reading your printing cost overheads. And of course, an MPS provider who can be transparent about their pricing should be.

Experience and Expertise

A seasoned printing supplier will be well-versed in the most recent printing technologies and should be able to provide tailored solutions to fit your faculties' particular requirements. As such, it's ideal to find an MPS supplier with both knowledge and experience in print management.


As much as you need someone who's experienced, it's just as important to find someone who still has their fingers on the pulse when it comes to modern security measures. You'll likely want an MPS provider who can cover encryption, access restriction and secure printing, and who has effective safeguards in place to protect your private papers and data.


A good MPS provider should be able to adapt their services to meet the requirements of a changing faculty. This requires the flexibility to scale up or scale down as necessary, provide specialised solutions, and supply ongoing support and training when needed. Importantly, it also requires...

Fast and Friendly Customer Service

Despite living in a hyper-linked age of digital communication, it's still frustratingly typical for many businesses to maintain minimal contact with their consumers. So you need an MPS service who can treat you like a valued customer. Your MPS service should always treat you as a top priority, and provide you with nothing less than the best possible customer support and client communication.


Axia Office is a leading Managed Print Service provider that offers a range of products and services to help educational institutions manage their printing needs more effectively. The hardware, software, and support services offered by our MPS solutions are aimed at assisting schools and tertiary institutions in streamlining their printing procedures, cutting waste, and enhancing security. Axia is in fact a Greek word, meaning "capable, valued or worthy" - and that's something we strive for! You can find out more about our range of products and plans here. If you wish to speak to one of our friendly experts, you can get in touch with us here.